

Besides outstanding keynote speakers from the five different research areas, the MiCom offers a great chance for young scientists to get involved by presenting, discussing and networking. We invite all PhD students conducting research on fields related to microbial interactions to share their findings. Students will be able to explain their work in different formats which can be seen below.
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Keynote Presentations

The conference sessions of each of the five thematic complexes will be headlined by two keynote presentations. You can read through all the infos and check out our keynote speakers here or have a look at the preliminary schedule.

Chemical Ecology


Natural Products


Systems Biology

Phd Talks

The PhD talks consist of giving a presentation (10 min) and answering questions from the audience (5 min) afterwards. Guidelines

Flash Talks

The Flash Talks will be very short (3 min) talks to make the audience become interested in your reseach. You will have time during the conference to discuss your research. Guidelines

Poster presentation

We will have 3 poster sessions during the MiCom. Guidelines


On one of the three conference days MiCom 2024 offers workshops on diverse topics ranging from scientific methods training as AI or statistics to career advice. You can participate in one workshops.

Social Activities

After several hours of scientific discussions and workshops you might feel like some mind-relaxing social activities. On the second day we will have a dinner which you can attend and on the first day there will be another social event happening - more information will follow soon.